Monday, April 18, 2011

What to do in the year 2042?

A friend of mine sent me a link to an amusing timeline of the future (at XKCD). It's a window into what the future is "supposed" to be like, as predicted by Google searches starting with "in the year".

So, it's really clear to me what I'm gonna be doing in the years 2050, and 2069. Really no doubt in either of those years.  The less said the better.

But what to do in the year 2042?

2042 has no news! It looks likely to be the only boring year before the 2070s, and if I live to the 2070s, I'll be so damn happy to have made it that far I won't mind boredom. 2042, on the other hand, is something many of us can expect to live to see. If you don't want 2042 to be a let down, you should start thinking ahead now.

So, perhaps as a group, we should brainstorm. What would you like to be doing in the year 2042?

I figure by that time I'll be in recovery at the LEGO addicts halfway house. Most of my money will go to repurchasing my entire music and movie collections in 7th and 5th formats I've felt compelled to buy into. I imagine I'll do something stupid and Hitchhikers themed, just because it is '42. When that gets boring, I may just get around to building the Time Machine I've always wanted, or I may just wimp out yet again and leave the machine project to yet another future self. But beyond that, I don't have any real plans for 2042. My calendar is largely open.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just got back from a time traveling trip to 2042. It's not that nothing happens. It's a year we are all trying to forget even before it occurs.