Monday, November 29, 2010

Creepy Conspiracy Revelations

A few interesting headlines and conspiratorial developments of late, all three of which came to my attention this morning as I read over my favorite news collection service,

#1:  All Our Diplomats Are Spies
International online whistleblowers WikiLeaks released a huge chunk of State Department documents. The documents include a troubling set of directives encouraging US diplomats to covertly gather DNA samples, fingerprints, passwords and credit card numbers of other nation's diplomats. Basically, turning a very large number of US diplomats into spies.

In response, the gov't is looking in to criminal charges against WikiLeaks, and some in Congress are calling for WikiLeaks to be classified as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization" which would allow for severe penalties to any US citizen that offers them "material support" of any kind. That's a Constitutionally-alarming proposal, as it would empower the government to take strong actions against any US citizen that made any sort of donation or information sharing with the organization.

#2: Saudi Arabia Funds Al-Qaeda
Anyone remember that part in Fahrenheit 9/11 where Michael Moore repeatedly draws connections between the Bushes and Saudis? Wherein he made the case that Saudi Arabia was likely behind al Qaeda's plots against us, but that because of business connections and friendships, the US Intelligence and Propaganda machines have politely looked away? I remember the political pundits and White House apologists saying it was patently false and unfair to make such connections.  We were repeatedly told this was not a war about oil, and the Saudi's were definitely not getting any special treatment just because they happen to be rich.

This weekend, in the stack of State Department documents in this weekend's WikiLeaks release, comes this little gem in the New York Times:
"Saudi donors remain the chief financiers of Sunni militant groups like Al Qaeda." 
It would appear that Michael Moore may have gotten it right. Our government knows the Saudis are the main source of revenue to "the enemy", but yet we're not taking any major actions against Saudi Arabia. Seems like maybe all that activity in Iraq, Afghanistan, and just over the border into Pakistan is a little misguided. As the saying goes, "follow the money!" Bombing poor people doesn't make us safer, it simply makes the rich richer. Bombing the rich? Well, the US hasn't given that a fair try since at least the 1940s.

Or, better yet, we could just immediately stop dropping bombs on other countries.


#3: Court Orders CIA To Come Clean About Mind-Control Implants
On an unrelated, but none-the-less conspiratorially-creepy-as-hell, there's a lawsuit currently going on where several military veterans are suing the CIA for implanting electrodes in their head for the purpose of remote control of their brain function and human behavior.  If I'm reading the article right, the CIA is not denying having conducted such surgery, but is offering as it's defense that it only did this to prisoners, mental patients, and elderly shut-ins, not active duty military personnel. Isn't that creepy? A judge has just recently ruled that the CIA must provide the court with it's records concerning experiments conducted on thousands of soldiers in the 50s, 60s, and 70s.


digital_sextant said...

Yeah, but what ever happened to the dolphins with lasers that escaped during Katrina?

rbbergstrom said...

Dude, man, dolphins are creepy enough with their prehensile genitalia. They don't need lasers... though if they had lasers, they'd be able to carry and utilize them in ways that would make you sick.