Thursday, September 24, 2009

Darwin Day

This November marks the 150th anniversary of the publishing of Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species. To celebrate a group of whack job evangelical Christians are distributing a special 150th anniversary edition with an introduction explaining while it's all a load of crap.

Kirk Cameron's 'Origin Of Species' Plan: Ex-Actor To Distribute 50,000 Altered Darwin Books

And Kirk Cameron made a video to tell people all about it. But that video sucked. This one where an intelligent, hot accented, swearing, sexy woman who continually leans towards the camera in her loose fitting shirt rips apart Kirks video is much more to my liking.

I wish we could cram this one idea through the barely evolved monkey skulls of the creationists:

Creationism is not a scientific theory. Scientific theories not only explain how things may have happened but must also provide the framework for making testable predictions that will either confirm or debunk the theory. Sure, evolution as presented by Darwin has been disproved. But we didn't have to toss everything. It was a fresh idea that continues to be tweaked as we get a better understanding of how this all happened.

The only prediction made by evangelical creationism is that there is an upcoming apocalypse. If scientists could successfully induce this apocalypse, perhaps by genetically engineering the anti-christ out of aborted fetuses, the experiment would be invalid. There would be no way to tell if the end of the world came about because of God or because man, in all his sinful hubris, pushed for it.

By the way, I love Criss' proposal in the video that an atheist write an 'introduction' to the Bible.

1 comment:

rbbergstrom said...

I hope they print those extra 50 pages on very soft paper.