Friday, September 25, 2009

Can't Get Enough

If a parent catches their kid snagging a twenty from their wallet, the right thing to do is to set the kid down, explain why they shouldn't be doing that, and make them swear an oath that they will never do it again. Parents that aren't particularly good at it might even ask for an explanation as to why they were stealing their money and cave to the excuse given. Fine. As long as the kid knows that what they did was wrong and there will be consequences if they engage in such behavior again.
Credit Swaps Are Back En Vogue As Market Confidence Returns

Credit-default swaps -- the financial instrument that helped bring down AIG and played a key role in causing the biggest financial crisis since the 1930s -- are, a year after the fall of Lehman Brothers, back en vogue on Wall Street, Bloomberg reports. Instead of being viewed as tools of financial disaster, CDSs are said to be contributing to the credit market's renewed confidence.
Why the hell did the government bail these fuckers out? They should have been grounded, sent to bed without any supper, and had their allowance taken away for a month. Spanking would not have been appropriate since 63% of those involved already pay top dollar for such services from trained professionals.

Spoiled little rich kids back at the same old bullshit/bearshit.

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