Wednesday, June 18, 2008

NSFW Because It's Been TFSFW Lately

Too Fucking Safe For Work? We'll fix that.

Let's check out The 25 Most Disturbing Sex Toys

At number 24 is the Area 51 Love Doll. That's right, a blow up doll patterned after a would-be alien. It looks more like a post-apocalyptic mutant, but I suppose they might keep those at Area 51 as well. This sex toy is not disturbing to me. It's actually intriguing. Never before have I felt intrigued by any blow up doll. But three tits and blue skin? Now we're talkin'!

The rest of the list is, for the most part, just a bit out there. If these things are supposed to be disturbing then maybe people need to loosen up a bit. On that note, I did find the foot fetish toy unsettling. There is something creepy Wisconsin serial killer about a disembodied foot that you can shove your dick into. I do not want to know the guy who can keep a rock hard erection around this thing.

But the whole list came to a dramatic conclusion. The last item, the number one slot in the countdown, will give you nightmares. Perhaps the should have titled it "24 really weird sex toys and one that should be universally banned by the Geneva Convention". I've seen a lot of sex toys for men and women. Guys at work try to disturb me with pictures they keep on their phones of women shoving soda cans up their asses or mounting dildos on their washing machines to catch a spin cycle. Hey, whatever floats your boat. None of that is really so off the wall. Just keep that thing on the right away from me!

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