Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hots for Marion

When an old friend gets back together with their ex, you never know what to think. Often, it's just another round of pain, a chance for history to repeat itself. You want to be happy for them, but inside you know it's all going to end badly, and you'll eventually have to coax your buddy (off the couch he hasn't left in months, out of the house he hasn't cleaned in at least as long, and) over to the bar or strip club to help him drown his woes. Over those drinks, you wanna say "I told you so" - except, probably you didn't, so you can't.

I mean, we all remember how the luster of "it's a new starwars film!" wore off the second time we saw The Phantom Menace. (Despite the cool kids saying otherwise, I still loved it the first showing. It wasn't till thinking about it again later that I realized that my fandom was causing me to imagine it to be better than it was.) In hindsight, it's hard to justify much of Lucas's non-technical "improvements" to the films - strip out all the lightsaber battles, and the rest doesn't live up to expectations. A lot of Star Wars fans spent a lot of time drunk in strip clubs after those 3 films.

But, every once in a while, a buddy will get together with someone that isn't his bitter hateful controlling trainwreck of an ex. Instead, he or she gets back together with "the one that got away." The ex that they honestly have a shot with. The one who isn't necessarily destined to cause nothing but heartache. You always wondered why they didn't work out in the first place, and wish them the best on go-around number two. Hopefully, it will all work out for the best now. Of course, I'm not talking about Star Wars and Lucas, or even about Indy and Spielberg. I'm talking about Indiana and Marion.

A higher-res (but apparently not embeddable) version is available at spout.

At 1:30 into that trailer, my heart jumped. I hadn't expected it, nor did I expect her.
Simple fact is, only one woman is a true match for a wily scoundrel and hard-boiled hero who's just starting to show his age...Marion Ravenwood. You know, Princess Leia was one tough cookie, and she looked good in that little slave dress. But Marion Ravenwood on the other hand, she was tough as nails, and she's every bit the hottie in three times as much clothing. Sure, she lacks some Leia's soft focus sweetness, but Marion's all spunk and punches, with a side of enlightened self-interest. She ain't in this for your rebellion, Princess.

Let's hope it works out for those wacky kids this time, 'cause I'd hate for their hearts to broken all over again (presumably for the 3rd time). Suddenly, I'm excited about the film in a way that crystal skulls, coldwar villains, and gynormous traps alone couldn't do. If you need me this weekend, I'll be in the theatre - and hopefully not at a stripclub thereafter.


Unknown said...

I figure my money is better spent at the strip club supporting hard working local performing artists rather than throwing my hard earned cash at giant money grubbing studios.

rbbergstrom said...

Audie and Brendan: Don't read this comment.

Maybe I'll just have to sneak into the theatre then. Yarrgh. :)

rbbergstrom said...

Perhaps if Karen Allen (the actress who plays Marion Ravenwood) were dancing in a strip club... on second thought, perhaps not.

But back in the day, back in her prime, if she'd been stripping... I'd... I'd have not even known about it, 'cause 10 year olds aren't typically allowed in stripclubs.

I feel dirty now. And old.