Prostitution has not suffered drop-off despite economic meltdownBless their hearts. In these dark times it is good to know there is still a place where men can go and forget about all their troubles for 3.5 minutes.
'The $1,000-an-hour girls are just not making it' with the economic downturn, the madam said. The faltering economy actually drove two of her newer employees to the madam's sex-peddling service from other careers.
Shana, 42, lost her $45,000-a-year job as a secretary last year. Sienna was laid off in July from her job as an executive assistant with a travel agency.
Wow. How did a post about hookers not end up NSFW?
1 comment:
I recently read Sin in the Second City, a fascinating nonfiction book about the Everleigh Club, a world-famous brothel in Chicago at the turn of the century. The brothel was known not only for its unparalleled furnishings, but for the fact that its "Butterflies" had perhaps the most humane working conditions imaginable.
Two fun facts about the Everleigh club:
1. The double-entendre of the name (pronounced "ever-lay") was intended. The author contends that while the Bible does use the phrase "to lie with," the common parlance of "getting laid" came from wealthy men in Chicago wink-wink nudge-nudging each other that they were "going to get Everleighed tonight."
2. It was at a party for a prince of Germany that a man drank champagne out of a courtesan's shoe. The act became legendary and started a nationwide craze.
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