Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Wow, I kinda deluged this place yesterday. Sarah teleworked Thurs, & Fri, so I had no computer. Saturday we spent recovering from Kevin's exciting beer-and-shot pukefest Friday night. Sunday we spent outdoors until the point where I got sick (either food poisoning, or the result of accidentally eating 9 square inches of wax paper). Monday, Sarah teleworked again. By Tuesday, I was having blog withdrawal, and was still sick enough I didn't feel like doing anything more active. The result? 8 posts on this blog, some of them quite lengthy, and completely burying Jakes 2 posts. My apologies, dude.

Jake's post entitled "liars" is a short and simple, and on a really important topic. Please go read it. It's got a video, which you should watch if you have time, but knowing the situation exists is a minimum first step you owe your country.

My post entitled "Of Panda's and Sea-Smurfs" is long, meandering, and not terribly well written. But it, too, is on an important topic, and represents a fundamental change in the way I'm approaching certain issues. If you've got the time for a long-winded rant about the insanity of the NeoCon agenda, so-called "Intelligent Design", and a few thoughts on what we can do to save our country from those right wing nutjobs, please read it.

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