On April 21, 1991, the captain of an Alitalia plane was en route to Heathrow Airport when it had a close call with a UFO over Kent, the newly-revealed documents showed.But that ain't the most interesting of the 19 reports declassified yesterday. Here's another tale from the 19 declassified reports, as summarized by The Australian.
"At once I said, 'Look out, look out,' to my co-pilot, who looked out and saw what I had seen," Achille Zaghetti said in a report on the incident.
"As soon as the object crossed us I asked to the ACC (area control centre) operator if he saw something on his screen and he answered 'I see an unknown target 10nm (nautical miles) behind you'."
Meanwhile, a local television station had broadcast a story of a 14-year-old boy who said he had seen a low-flying missile disappear that same evening.
Radar images at that time initially labelled the object "Cruise missile??", but it was later confirmed that it was not a military weapon.
By July 2, however, a defence ministry inquiry found the UFO had not come from any Army firing ranges, and added there had not been any "space-related activity" that night.
Something's out there, and our governments are actively firing missiles at it. So much for "not taking the UFO issue seriously".RAF controllers told US pilot Milton Torres to "lock on" and launch all 24 of his rockets over the city, The Sun reports.
As the 26-year-old US Air Force lieutenant came within seconds of firing at the alien intruder - the size of an aircraft carrier on his radar - it vanished at 16,000km/h.
Mr Torres, then based at RAF Manston in Kent, told The Sun: "It was some kind of alien snooping over England. I guess we’ll never know what it was".
Speaking publicly about the incident for the first time, he said he was ordered late one night in 1957 to scramble in his F-86D Sabre fighter to attack a "bogey" hovering above Norfolk.
"I was told I would be firing a complete salvo, all 24 rockets. I was pumped up - this was the sort of thing that happened before a war," he told the paper.
He had the UFO on his radar and closed in at almost 1125km/h before the shape disappeared off his screen in a flash.
If you're interested in learning more, the declassified reports are at ufopressrelease.nationalarchives.gov.uk
Here's another good one:
DEFE 24/1940/1
Page 64: RAF Tornado jets overtaken by UFO. The crews of six RAF Tornado jets from 2 Squadron, Laarbruch, reported being over-taken by giant UFO whilst on an exercise controlled by Dutch radar.
If the blew the cover off UFOs, wouldn't that make them unfit for travel in the vacuum of space?
No, it just makes their feet get cold at night. Would you like to donate a blankie to keep the UFOs warm at night?
That comment wouldn't have been as redundant if this old mozilla and OS would let me see and edit the text I'm typing in blogger.
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