Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tank up, but don't be fooled!

The price of gas has fallen something like 30 cents in the past week. Don't be tricked into thinking this is a sign the economy isn't so bad, afterall. Big Oil has made a killing since we invaded Iraq. It's meant record profits for them, and people have been stupid enough to imagine that the middle east conflict has raised the costs to produce gas, when it hasn't. They've been raping us with a gas nozzle.

Suddenly, though, Big Oil has realized that the vote gap is big enough it can't be fixed by election "errors" or by mobilizing the fundamentalist "base". If things stay as they've been, Obama's gonna win, by a big margin. Big oil doesn't want that - they feel McCain is safely in their pocket, a la Charles Keating. So, they're taking one month of "loss" (though, actually, it's just a month of making slightly less obscene profits) to fool us into thinking the economy is better. They're hoping that will last minute easing of budgetary tension will swing votes back to the deregulation Republicans (or at least provide a popular belief that it's done that so, so as to provide a smokescreen for just a little more voter tampering). Don't fall for it.

Remember, this drop in cost is only possible because they've been lying, cheating, and stealing from us at the pump for the past 6 or 7 years. Big oil is still the enemy.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

There's also a couple of other factors. The market crash has cut into the funds the big wigs have to speculate up the price of oil and the Saudi's are friends of Republicans and want to help their election.