Ah, for the good old days, when a Sea-Smurf was just one of these Snork thingees

These days, a Sea-Smurf is CCMRF, the 1st Brigade of the 3rd Infantry, is an urban warfare unit active on US soil to brazen violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. If the real police can't resist beating up peaceful children, what makes us think Sea-Smurfs will do any better? They're gonna beat our heads in while shooting bubbles out their blow-holes. The damn things live under water, so they're already good at waterboarding.
Where did these strange creatures come from? Did they evolve from the natural world? Or were they intentionally designed by some malevolent force? The later case is all too true.
This weekend, McCain had to defend Obama against nutcases in Lakeville MN, who calling for the multiracial candidates murder at a McCain rally. That shouldn't have to happen - calls for murder happen at Nazi rallies, not the Town Hall meetings of an aging Republican candidate. It's hard to believe things have gone this far downhill in such a short span of years.
People like Palin give speeches designed to make people comfortable with their racism. "He doesn't think like us" she says. Meanwhile, off camera, someone else in the Rove/O'Reilly/Limbaugh corner of the political spectrum is busy sending out emails full of lies they know are lies. False allegations that Obama is a Muslim and somehow connected to terrorism, or obviously refutable lies that Obama was born in Kenya instead of Hawaii. These are things that can and have been refuted and disproven with fact, yet shadowy figures and their puppets continue to churn out this foul garbage. The point of all these lies is to rile up "the conservative base" especially the racist and phobic elements.
The truth is, the NeoCons are the enemy of intelligence. They are breeding a generation of stupidity. They coyly renamed Creationism "Intelligent Design" to erode support of evolution. They renamed arabs and muslims "terrorists" so we'd feel better about hating a race or religion, and then lie to categorize a black christian as an arab muslim, and thus, a terrorist. They are waging a war against rational thought. They want us to be dumb.
It's a win-win proposition for the NeoCons. If the nation rolls over and gets stupid, they win. And roll it probably will, because liberals (myself included) are too polite to fight dirty. We complain, we struggle against them, but we do so fairly. That's a losing strategy. Waiting till things get so bad there has to be a revolution is a losing strategy, too. Let's face it, if Civil War broke out today, who would win - bleeding heart Liberals, or gun-toting Christian extremists?
There is a winning strategy, but it'll be a hard pill for Liberals to swallow. It's distasteful. It's ugly. I railed against it many a time in the past year, and I was wrong. Dawkins path is what I'm talking about, and I hate to admit I finally agree with his strategy. Yes, atheists and agnostics, (and crazy contradictory people like myself who are still kinda-sorta Christian but think the bible isn't literal truth - more like literal nonsense) need to state that publicly, and often. People who detest racism need to comment on that disgust, in their daily lives, even when talking with people they barely know. People who think the major parties are complicit in evil need to speak up and say so, and then vote correspondingly. People who didn't previously believe in conspiracies, are going to have to admit "yes, that election was stolen, so some of these other conspiracy theories might be true, too - but not the bullshit antisemite theories blaming the Jews". We liberals would rather not talk politics or religion in "mixed company", but we're gonna have to if we want to save this country from Rove's "Permanent Republican Majority" and the Fascism it's moving us towards. Our sitting quiet reinforces and enables their bad behavior.
We need to express our views so often, and so freely, that our more rational, reasonable, scientific mindset becomes common place. Even at the risk of seeming slightly less rational and reasonable in the process. The opposition isn't being reasonable or playing fair, and occupying the moral high ground does us no good if they're winning in the schools, and the courts, and the rigged elections. We need to be jerks, to ensure our government works. You want moral high-ground to occupy: follow the law. Don't rig elections, but do start insulting people.
We're gonna have to ruffle some feathers. We're gonna have to insult some people, there's just no other choice. We're gonna have to be militant liberals, militant atheists, militant scientists. We're going to have to fight the NeoCon agenda to the watercoolers and smoke breaks, take politics to the bars and gaming sites we used to escape reality in, make more films like Fahrenheit 9/11 (and Zeitgeist, and Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden), Impeach the worst offenders, and yes, though I hate to say it, we're gonna have to sue at the drop of a hat.
This is where the party ends. I can't sit here listening to you, you and your racist friend. - TMBGThe next time you hear someone espousing racism, or creationism (aka Intelligent Design) or the myth that Obama has links to terrorists, get in their face about it. It's hard, it's rude, it's scary, but it's what we have to do. Because as long as we stay quiet, meek, or unobjectionable, those fucking bastards are going to win. Let's face it folks, it's not just the fate of Democracy that hangs in the balance, it's the survival of the human species.
1 comment:
"Evil will always prevail, because good is dumb."
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