Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Seven Deadly Sins

What an appropriate topic for my first exhibition in way too long.

I have three paintings in the show.


Unknown said...

I handed out a stack of show invites at work. I don't expect any of them to come. Just wanted them to realize that I am not just a maintenance machinist.

Funny thing... Most of them think they could do my job if they received the training. I tell them about the show and they say, "You're an artist?! I could never do that."

I tend to feel the opposite, that everyone has an inner artist they can unleash but not everyone can grasp all that is required to be a good machinist.

I'm probably wrong.

rbbergstrom said...

Unfortunately, I don't think Sarah and I will be able to get your way while the show is still on exhibit. (We should look at planning the next visit sometime soon, though.)

Which three pieces did you put in the show? Are they ones I've seen, or work from since the holidays?