Thursday, January 6, 2011

F*ck this post

If people find it less offensive when I type f*ck, why does nobody care if I type duck? Shouldn't they find it at least 75% offensive?

Or does it make more sense to compare it to scr*w?

Maybe f*rn*c*t**n?


rbbergstrom said...

I'm actually always more offended when someone puts f*ck in print.

It's not like it fools anyone. We know what's been asterisked out. We still think the word as we read it. Even children often figure it out. Yet for some reason people have arbitrarily decided it's somehow not as bad. Spelling f*ck is still crass and ill-mannered, but without the concurrent audacity or courage to actually say it. It feels week and spineless to me.

It's an agreed upon mass self-deception, and I just don't like playing those sorts of mind games. I think it's fucking stupid.

Unknown said...

Boink you, you boinking boinker!

If Dennis Hopper had screamed that in Blue Velvet...

What scat munchers came up with this detritus? A bunch of penetrators of their fathers's widows the lot of them!