Friday, December 3, 2010


It's a fun and light-hearted little word. Say it loudly, quickly, letting your voice rise a bit. WikiLeaks is a hit at parties!

But while the US propaganda outlets are questioning the validity of the site, calling it unpatriotic, and playing up the fact that it's founder has a fresh warrant out for his arrest over possible SEX CRIMES!, European news sources have bothered to read the embassy cables.

The Madrid Cables—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
These cables reveal a large-scale, closely coordinated effort by the State Department to obstruct these criminal investigations...

The cables also reflect an absolutely extraordinary rapport between the Madrid embassy and Spanish prosecutors, who repeatedly appear to be doing the embassy’s bidding...

Over the last several years, the Embassy of the United States in Madrid wielded powerful resources in an extraordinary effort to impede or terminate pending criminal investigations in Spain which involved American political and military figures assumed to have been involved in incidents of torture in Guantánamo, violations of the laws of war in Iraq or kidnappings in connection with the CIA’s extraordinary renditions program...

The cables show that the embassy was briefed in detail about the pending cases, receiving information that was not publicly accessible and would have been known only to the prosecutors and the magistrates handling the cases...

These cables show that the U.S. embassy in Madrid had far exceeded this mandate, however, and was actually successfully steering the course of criminal investigations, the selection of judges, and the conduct of prosecutors. Their disclosure has created deep concern about the independence of judges in Spain and the manipulation of the entire criminal justice system by a foreign power.
Bunch of no good pig fuckers. How dare Spain get pissed off at an over-reaching foreign proxy-imperialist nation dictating its domestic political processes.

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