Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Prison Comparisons

Because, lately,  movies and TV seem more plausible than the events of the real world...

Prisons in Sweden, according to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo trilogy: You're kept in a small room, but otherwise it's a cake walk. You get reading material, and can access your laptop. You get to wear whatever you like, even if that involves about 18 different piercings and your hair up in a 'hawk. You don't have a cell-mate.

Prisons in London, according to The Tutors: What's that moving under the pile of straw I've got for a bed? Big freakin' rats. This place will drive you insane.

Prisons in the US, according to... just about every prison-based movie or TV show ever made: The guards and crooked sheriff or warden beat you up, and the prisoners rape you. You're sprayed down with a hose, and they routinely search you for anything contraband, except for cigarettes. Your nazi cellmate tattoos a swastika on your ass. Then one day you get shivved, and die.

Given the alternatives, I can only assume that Julian Assange really doesn't like Pickled Herring.


rbbergstrom said...

As amusing as my original post may have been (to me, at least) the real reason for Assange's decision to fight extradition to Sweden is because the Swedes have basically admitted their charge is shallow, and just intended to hold Assange while the US assembles it's case against him.

A secret Grand Jury this morning in Virginia is all set to shred the constitution, violate the First Amendment, legalize censorship, and promote the sort of injustices championed by the Espionage Act of 1917.

X said...

His real fear, extradition or not, has to be getting worked over secretly by thugs from the CIA (or worse, "private contractors").

rbbergstrom said...

He lost a tooth in prison. There was a piece of metal in his food. Maybe just an accident... but what are the odds?