Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cell phone exposure linked to bad behavior in kids

Recently, I took the plunge and got a cellphone. I probably won't answer it, either. The main point and purpose of me getting a cellphone was so that I would stop feeling smugly superior whenever I read articles like this one:

Cell phone exposure linked to bad behavior in kids: study

PARIS — Pregnant mothers in Denmark who regularly used mobile phones were more likely to have children with behavioral problems, according to a study released Tuesday.
The risk was higher when the kids themselves began using cell phones at a very early age, researchers reported in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

The researchers found that kids who had been exposed to mobile phones both before and after birth were 50 percent more likely to have behavioral problems.

The publishers have already announced they'll be following up that report with a sequel entitled "Cell phone exposure linked to bad behavior in kids, teens, adults, and pretty much everyone." The publishing date is set for 20 years from today, though as I understand it they've already begun collecting data to support the hypothesis.


Unknown said...

But I can still feel smugly superior.

rbbergstrom said...

Hence the need for me to post this here. I'd hate for you to miss an opportunity like that.