Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Stupid For Senate

This debate video is bizarre. There's this total fucking idiot who's running for Senate in Delaware on the Republican / Tea Party ticket, and she's completely hung up on her imaginary world where there is no Separation of Church & State. The Democrat she's debating against correctly points out that the First Amendment says the government "shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" and she spends the next several minutes repeatedly asking him "does it say that in the First Amendment?" as though she doesn't believe him. I'm just plain shocked that someone that unfamiliar with the First Amendment could possibly be considered politically competent enough for a major party to endorse her. There are two different parts in the video (2m55s and 7m30s) where the audience laughs at her ridiculous claims.

If you want to get shivers running down your spine at just how fucked our future is if the Tea Baggers win big this election, watch this video. Christine O'Donnell is terrifyingly ignorant.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting. I had heard about it and just let it be as 'those crazy tea baggers'.

Upon listening to Chris Coons I have a new appreciation for the First Amendment. Until today I had thought the phrase 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion' to mean that government couldn't make laws about religious entities. I believed the separation of church and state flowed from that in a series of legal decisions that supported the idea of separation. I now realize (thanks to Chris Coons) that I had been reading it incorrectly and had it taught to me incorrectly. That same phrase actually means government cannot establish any form of religion nor enforce its practice.

Now the First Amendment is even better! And I feel like an idiot/tool for believing it to mean something else all these years. But even before I figured this out I was smarter than O'Donnell.