Friday, September 3, 2010

Suing Arizona

Just a quick update on everyone's favorite wacky racist Arizona sheriff. He's getting sued by the Federal Government:
The lawsuit calls Arpaio and his office's defiance "unprecedented," and said the federal government has been trying since March 2009 to get officials to comply with its probe of alleged discrimination, unconstitutional searches and seizures, and having English-only policies in his jails that discriminate against people with limited English skills.
In a separate investigation, a federal grand jury in Phoenix is examining allegations that Arpaio has abused his powers with actions such as intimidating county workers by showing up at their homes at nights and on weekends.
Kinda warms the heart, don't you think?

Read more about the lawsuits here.


Unknown said...

Raising (a lawsuit in) Arizona.

Unknown said...

One of my favorite responses to this whole mess started off as a joke trailer in the Grindhouse films. It is now being made into a feature.
