Thursday, September 9, 2010

Steampunk Watches

Small Korean studio that makes custom watches. Marrianne's Handcrafted Watch Studio. I guess "Made in Korea" doesn't always mean "Cheap Crap".

I seem to be fascinated with steampunk right now. I have no desire to 'become' a steampunk. Lots of goggles and nifty hats. I think hanging with a bunch of steampunks would be as exciting as hanging with a bunch of goths, ie., pretty, pretentious, personal tendencies towards violent outbursts. I find steel to have much better properties than brass. Neither here nor there about Zeppelins. It is an interesting aesthetic, though. What are we really looking at? It's cyberpunk 125 years too soon. And cyberpunk, while a kick-ass RPG, didn't offer anything beyond aesthetic. Nothing but fluff. These full fledged subcultures seem to me like prepackaged non-conformity for the uncreative. Except for the few creative individuals who help define them. At least they can make their mark within such subcultures and hopefully earn enough doing it to avoid all of the other crappy job choices available in this world. My 2 brass cogs worth.


List with Laszlo said...

I recently bought a 1993 Korean made Fender Strat at a pawn shop for $89. Turns out they go for $475 on ebay and that particular factory mine was made at was making them equivalent to or better then the American ones at that time.

Unknown said...
