Via Raw and the AP:I'm not sure which part of this to be more outraged about:
Arizona sheriff not relenting after court ruling
Arpaio, a 78-year-old ex-federal drug agent who fashions himself as a modern-day John Wayne, launched his latest sweep Thursday afternoon, sending about 200 sheriff's deputies and trained volunteers out across metro Phoenix to look for traffic violators who may be here illegally.
Deputy Bob Dalton and volunteer Heath Kowacz spotted a driver with a cracked windshield in a poor Phoenix neighborhood near a busy freeway. Dalton triggered the red and blue police lights and pulled over 28-year-old Alfredo Salas, who was born in Mexico but has lived in Phoenix with a resident alien card since 1993.
Dalton gave him a warning after Salas produced his license and registration and told him to get the windshield fixed.
Salas, a married father of two who installs granite, told The Associated Press that he was treated well but he wondered whether he was pulled over because his truck is a Ford Lobo.
"It's a Mexican truck so I don't know if they saw that and said, 'I wonder if he has papers or not,'" Salas said. "If that's the case, it kind of gets me upset."
Sixty percent of the nearly 1,000 people arrested in the sweeps since early 2008 have been illegal immigrants. Thursday's dragnet led to four arrests, but it wasn't clear if any of them were illegal immigrants.
- Should I be more upset about the Sheriff Department's thinly-veiled racism and racial profiling?
- Or should I be incensed that this "John Wayne" Sheriff is going ahead with this despite the court knocking down key provisions of the new law?
- Or should I just be most angry at their gross incompetence and squandering of public money?
If you're gonna be a racist militant self-important hick pig, you should at least try to be good at what you do. These guys are just wanna-be racist militant self-important hick pigs. Just racist militant self-important hick pig poseurs. Employing 50 racist militant self-important hick pigs per arrest? Pretty fuckin' sad, if you ask me.
...or maybe they've been overestimating the immigration problem in their state.
I recently saw a good article on the differences between New Mexico's and Arizona's approaches to immigration.
I still have trouble with the idea of an illegal person just as much as I do with the idea of an illegal plant, animal or mineral.
I have also noticed a steady rise in thinly veiled racist comments at work since the Arizona law first hit the news. The blatant racists were always there and they will continue to mutter under their breath and harbor resentments toward differently pigmented individuals with strange accents for as long as they live. But since Arizona's foray into re-legalizing racism there has been a marked increase in racial profiling even towards quite legal residents.
My inner conspiracy theorist thinks of it as an intentionally constructed plot. Keep the workers, the wage-slave masses, separated. Keep them distrusting each other. Because if they ever got around to getting along, hanging out, and seeing each other as equals they might decide to unionize, to pressure employers for better working conditions, ask for better benefits, or WORSE!
Indeed, when I was living in Albuquerque for 10 years, I never saw any so-called "illegal immigrant problem". Yeah, there were a lot of Hispanic people in NM, but THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Despite all the recent press, not that many of them were illegal, either.
Why does it matter where someone came from, if they've come to your state/city/country for a shot at a better life? I moved there from a thousand miles away, and somehow that was okay because I was white and coming from the North. If I'd been brown and coming from the South that's supposed to somehow make it wrong? That's bullshit.
It's racism, pure and simple.
Instead of wasting money and efforts arresting people for being born somewhere else, they should use those resources to arrest bank robbers, serial killers, and politicians.
First, the sheriff is using existing laws in his work, not trying to rely entirely on the new law. The statistics I've seen on him go back to 1998, long before this new law.
Second, it is not racist to arrest mostly Hispanics for being illegal aliens when almost all of the illegal aliens in his jurisdiction are Hispanic. Face it, how may illegal aliens from the British Isles or Norway or someplace like that do you really think are currently hiding out in Arizona? Should someone bus in some Canadians illegally so that the sheriff can arrest some non-Hispanics too?
Third, these people are all criminals. I don't care if they came here for a better life or to run drugs, entering the country illegally makes you a criminal right then and there.
Fourth, the sheriff's tactics obviously work since SIXTY percent of those arrested in his sweep are illegals.
Personally, I don't care what color your skin is, what country you come from, or what deity you pay homage to. If you are a criminal, you deserve to be rounded up and punished. Until that day, you deserve to live in fear of being rounded up and punished. You should not be given a driver's license, welfare, or health care benefits. Our taxes should pay for our citizens only. If we want to provide aide to other countries, we should do it as foreign aide to help their country, not free social services for those who sneak across the border.
Additionally, there really is a Mexican criminal problem in the United States, as much as those people who are trying to claim it's all about racism want to deny that. For example, just look for information on the fact that there are sections of our national forests held hostage by Mexican drug cartels who are growing marijuana and who guard the land with explosives and automatic weapons. Armed forces from another country have entered our country and seized territory. Why isn't our vaunted military defending our lands? These may not be official government forces, but these "rebel" groups are still dangerous and need to be dealt with.
Not to mention the criminals who have extended gang and other violence through several states.
Which doesn't even cover the massive number of identity thefts linked to illegal immigrants. In fact, it's such a huge problem that the IRS has chosen to simply not deal with the issue of multiple people using the same social security number because they don't have the resources to even begin the attempt.
I know that you said you didn't see the "illegal immigrant problem" here in Albuquerque, but as someone who works in the field of criminal law, I can assure that there is a problem and that it includes illegal aliens coming here and committing a variety of crimes other than just being here illegally.
Let's get to the root of the issue. Cartographers are to blame for all of this!
Dammit, my reply exceeded 4,096 characters, so google deleted it.
In short:
Phoenix has twice the national average in murder rate, and three times the national average in car theft. Yet the new law makes illegal immigration the #1 priority for law enforcement. That seems like a huge misappropriation of funds to me.
Unless there's some research linking both car theft and murder to the illegal alien population as a whole. If that data exists, the lawmakers and sheriff involved in this have done a poor job of publicizing it. At best, I imagine the illegal aliens are only slightly more likely to commit other crimes than any other cross-section of the population, so why focus the limited resources on them instead of on the criminals? These elected officials seem to be targeting non-voting brown people to score themselves points with racist white voters. That's fucked up.
I also don't buy your statement that once someone has broken the law they should live the rest of their lives in fear. I don't believe I've ever met an adult who's never broken the law. Need I mention "Dr. Who" to you? Heck, I jaywalked just a few days ago. Should either of us "deserve to live in fear of being rounded up and punished." I hope not. Seems like a piss-poor way to run a nation.
Some minor corrections for you, Rolfe. why focus the limited resources on them instead of on the criminals?
Instead of on the other criminals. The ones that do really bad things that directly hurt others instead of some supposed harm perceived only through the filters of statistics.
As far as,
These elected officials...
Some of them were elected, but the governor who signed this into law was not. Nobody voted Jan Brewer for Governor of Arizona. Yet rather than letting herself be a lame duck appointee she has taken it upon herself to skull fuck the White American Dream.
Mexicans ARE Americans. They just happen to have been born on the wrong side of a line drawn by people who have a shorter history on this continent then many of the Mexicans' family lines.
"Yet the new law makes illegal immigration the #1 priority for law enforcement."
It does not make it the number one priority. The new law was supposed to make checking immigration status just another part of law enforcement that is done automatically when interacting with people in the normal course of the officer's duty. I saw nothing about making huge new sweeps. Those are being done under the existing law.
The law also required employers to be responsible for hiring illegals. There are many employers who knowingly hire illegals and yet are never punished for it under the current laws. This isn't right.
As for linking illegal immigrants to violent crime, there is a strong correlation between the Mexican gangs that have come to American and the violent crimes their members commit. While it is certainly not all of the illegal aliens who are violent criminals, since it is documented that a certain number of them are coming to American specifically to commit crimes and that there is no way to tell the difference until they're busted for that crime, the simplest solution is to ship them all back so that you get the violent ones and the non-violent ones.
Additionally, there have been statistics showing that the number of violent crimes in cities near the Mexican border go down, often quite a bit, when the border forces on the American side are significantly stepped up. I believe it was El Paso which had a 75% reduction in murders once the National Guard was posted in force between them and Mexico.
Can I prove that it was because of stopping violent illegal immigrants? No. But the circumstances seem to indicate a correlation.
On your "Dr. Who" comment, that's a civil matter not a criminal matter generally speaking. Additionally, I personally consider their to be a huge difference between those actions which take something out of another person's pocket and those that do not. Downloading a video or a victimless crime like prostitution is not lowering another person's overall value, so nothing is lost in this "crime". When illegal aliens take my government's money to pay for their food, health care, and education, they are stealing those resources directly from our citizens.
In this country, there are children who do not have enough to eat, who do not have basic facilities in their schools (like indoor toilets), and who cannot afford to see a doctor when sick. Why the hell would I let some criminal who snuck across the border take resources that my fellow citizens desperately need?
Maybe you don't see it because you never worked with the schools I did. I really wish I was kidding about schools without indoor plumbing.
"Mexicans ARE Americans. They just happen to have been born on the wrong side of a line drawn by people who have a shorter history on this continent then many of the Mexicans' family lines."
Mexicans ARE NOT Americans. If they were, they'd speak English, have a better economy, be part of a super power, and possess a government that wasn't completely at the mercy of or in the pay of the drug cartels. Instead, they have an economy where the second biggest source of revenue is money that comes from Mexicans working in the US and sending money home. (Oil is their number one.)
We conquered this country fair and square. We even bought some of the land from other countries. It's ours. If you want to claim that the Mexicans own it because they were here first, I'd point out that the Mexicans stole the land from the Indians. The Indians moved in to the land from Asia before that. So if you want to go with history, nobody has claim to the land, unless you count the wildlife.
Woah! Dude! Mexicans are totally Americans!
Brazilians are also Americans. As are Argentinians, Venezuelans, Hondurans and loads of other people who live in the Americas.
Don't be a dumb ass!
Jake, this is about American citizens vs. illegal aliens sneaking in from other countries. Trying to make arguments based on using an alternate definition of the word "Americans" when it's obvious which definition applies to this discussion makes you the dumb ass.
I also seriously doubt that anyone from any of the countries you listed would ever identify themselves as "Americans". Hell, many of the people from those countries living in the United States of American don't identify themselves as "Americans" from any definition of the word.
Which is another part of why the illegal immigration problem focuses on people from Central and South America. Unlike immigrants from Europe or Africa, those folks don't assimilate into American society. Multiple generations in, they're still speaking their native language, refusing to allow their citizen children to be properly educated, and still identifying themselves as being part of a country other than the one they live in. The statistics are out there comparing the differences between immigrant groups, and they're painful.
Latin American.
Central American.
South American.
North American.
We are all American. There was the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance in Guatemala. There is the Organization of American States which has all 35 independent nations of America as members. Che Guevara, Hugo Chavez, and other 'American' leaders can see us as one American people, but for some reason whitey can't share. US citizens like to think they have a monopoly on a term that covers two continents.
As far as the supposed problem of these 'other Americans and their crime', the United States is funding the whole deal with CIA operations and rampant consumption of pot, coke, and even coffee and sugar. Not to mention this wouldn't even be an issue if greedy US employers wouldn't hire so-called illegals in the first place.
And another thing...
Assimilation and naturalization makes for a stagnant culture. Historically speaking it is through the movement of peoples and their cultural influences that novelty is born.
Flame on! I will not tire of this.
(Messed that last post up)
1. Is the person applying for citizenship over 18-years old?
_X_Yes _No
2. Is the applicant a Permanent Resident (Green card Holder)?
_Yes _X_No
3. Is the applicant a U.S. national (a non-citizen who owes permanent allegiance to the United States)?
_Yes _X_No
Is the applicant a U.S. national (a non-citizen who owes permanent allegiance to the United States)?
_Yes _X_No
We're Sorry
Based on the answers you provided in the Questionnaire, you do not meet the criteria set forth by the USCIS to file an Application for Naturalization (Form N-400).
If you feel that you might have made an error when answering the Questionnaire, you may click here to take the Questionnaire again.
If you are sure that you meet the criteria set forth by the USCIS to file an Application for Naturalization (Form N-400), and would prefer to skip the Questionnaire step, click here to continue with your application.
$6,485 to get a green card. (From
Anyone got $6500 sitting around? How and multiply that times the number of family members...wife...kid 1... kid 2....kid point 5
fuck the typos.. it's past my bed time.
"We conquered this country fair and square."
You're lucky I have to get to class and teach ESL students how express themselves via the English language.
But incase you need something to chew on...
“...the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away...” (Job 1:21)"
"You're lucky I have to get to class and teach ESL students how express themselves via the English language."
Good for them. I can respect someone who is learning the language of the country that they are choosing to relocate to. Now as long as they are here legally and have come here for better life, I think they are exactly what the American Dream is all about.
I have know and worked with immigrants from a number of countries. The Russian programmer, a fellow from Africa who worked as a business I went to, my old roommate who was from Mexico. In each case, either they or their family had chosen to come here and follow the American Dream. They had legal IDs. They had legal jobs. They paid their taxes. They spoke the language of the land. (The fellow from African spoke English better than many American born citizens I've dealt with, which is a sad comment on our schools and the parents of those people.)
As for the paperwork and the fee to move to our country, I think that there is nothing wrong with making it difficult to get into someplace good. The best neighborhoods, the best schools, even the best nightclubs are difficult to get into. That's part of why they are the best. If you let anyone and everyone who could hop a boat or walk across the Arizona landscape into our country to stay, we would soon have no resources left and our children would sicken and die due to lack of food and basic medical care... oh, wait, that is already happening to our children, you don't care because they're not foreign criminals in our country illegally.
I read an article by a fellow who moved from American to Mexico when he retired. He's a full expat, is married, and often writes articles on how Americans don't really understand what Mexico is actually about. I primarily read him because his opinions often don't agree with mine and it gives me a chance to have my beliefs challenged with facts so I can see if they hold up. One of the major points he made was that the standards and requirements to move from America to Mexico are actually much higher than for those Mexicans to move in here legally. One of those components is that the test to prove you speak Spanish so you can get permission to stay in the country is much more rigorous than the joke of an English test to stay in America. I think it says something that these people want us to lower our standards when our standards are already lower than theirs.
Now, I realize that in this comment section, I'm not going to win any arguments. I simply enjoy the debate. I mean, the poster labeled this article "whitey", which is an offensive and derogatory term for his own racial type on a par with a black person calling themselves a "nigger". There are plenty of people who hate whites so much that someone who is white is always wrong and can never be right when they disagree with someone who is not a white. If someone is wrong purely for the color of their skin, then that's racism, no matter what color the skin of the person is. The sheriff in the original Arizona article is not racist. It is not his fault that most of the criminals he's dealing with are Hispanic any more than it would be if most of the criminals he was dealing with were black, white, yellow, red, or bright pink. It just means he's doing his job and finding the criminals who are a drain on our society.
“...the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away...” (Job 1:21)"
"Religion is the last bastion of intellectual cowardice."
Keep your invisible friends out of the argument and I'll keep my invisible friends out of the argument; okay?
May I be the first to point out that she is not Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or any other faith that would consider those words part of its religious tract. I am also quite confused by it and hope I get a full explanation later, but I at least know that it is not falling back on religion as an intellectual safe-guard.
In fact it might be quite the opposite. It could possibly be pointing out that the Christians came to the Americas and conquered the indigenous tribes for the glory of God and State. Both of these are fabricated realities meant to control masses of people who we are told would all be murderous thieving cannibals if such things did not exist. But that's my initial reaction.
A culture is enriched when languages mingle. Take the Moors of Iberia as an example with the rich intellectual and artistic heritage they left behind. Historically a mono-linguistic culture will see their native tongue as superior and by extension, those who speak it superior. In post WWII industrial expansion English happened to take on this role. But most of the Americas speak Spanish and prefer to do business in that language. China's role as an expanding industrial power could develop into a rise of Mandarin as the dominant language. Prior to both World Wars (linguists, grammarians and semanticists agree that it was partially to blame) there was a major movement in Germany extolling the superiority of the German language and insisting that all in the country speak ONLY German. I personally am glad to work in an environment where I regularly hear people conversing in Spanish, Vietnamese, Canton and Russian.
And need I remind people over and over again that this nation has no official language? When the United States first acquired New Mexico, Arizona and California the operating language of these territories was Spanish and the US was fine with it. There are both officially multilingual states and territories and de facto ones. The United States is home to the fifth largest Spanish speaking population in the world. It is possible for a person to be a natural born citizen of the United States and never speak a single word of English. Granted, some states do have English as their official language. So it would help to know it if you want to travel to these states. Just like it helps to know French if you want to visit Paris.
The Arizona law is racist. It practically insists on racial profiling and can lead to punishments for officers that don't. A sheriff who insists on enforcing a racist law is then racist.
And I say fuck whitey! Fuck those self-righteous cracker assholes who have life easier in this country because of their skin pigmentation. Fuck those paranoid honkies who can't stomach people talking in languages they can't understand. Fuck the bland and boring WASP English the white man keeps trying to saddle us with.
I fucking hate white people. It's white people who turned perfectly good farm land into strip malls. White people sailed around the globe stealing entire nations by planting strips of colored cloth on a poll on the beach. What the fuck was that?! And it's white people who choose to think that Mexicans are the root of their problems while illiterate red-neck white trash leaches off of our health care system, leaches off of our welfare system, cooks meth in trailer parks, drinks too much, gets in fights, hordes guns, and fills our jails. But Whitey is so damn sure that colored people are the problem that he over looks all but the most blatant of white criminal activity. I'm not even going to get into all of the damage done by greedy capitalist pig fucker social raper white collar criminals and the billions of dollars in damages they should be forced to pay to decent hard working Americans like myself!
Fuck whitey!
Now, I realize that in this comment section, I'm not going to win any arguments. I simply enjoy the debate.
You don't get out of it that easily. Stand up and fight. Throw everything at me and I will continue to grind it into dust. That and I've got a decent berserker rage going and need more fuel before the froth subsides. Come on. Tell me again why some Arizona Sheriff is justified in treating certain Americans differently because of the color of their skin. COME ON!
"A culture is enriched when languages mingle."
A culture is divided when not everyone speaks the same language. It's not just an English vs. Spanish argument. Canada has problems where the French speaking regions don't want to consider themselves part of the English speaking regions. The deaf community in America has problems because one faction wants them to use a version of sign that is distinctly different in form than spoken English and which then generally causes those using it to be unable to communicate in writing with others because they're not actually using English. Some of these folks go so far as to believe that non-deaf should just learn to understand the written form of sign instead.
Language unites us because we can communicate. If I cannot communicate with someone, I do not understand them. If I do not understand them, they are different and therefore the enemy. That is simply part of human nature. It's hardwired into us. Those like me are my tribe; those different are the enemy.
"the U.S. Senate voted 63-34 to make English the national language of the United States"
English is our language. The liberals may be too afraid of the Hispanic voting block to force everyone to use English, but clearly our elected official believe that English is our language. The Constitution is written in English. Our country was founded by those speaking English.
I wouldn't move to Mexico and expect them to let me speak English. That's just arrogance. It's also not possible as you have to prove you can speak Spanish to be able to live there long term. It is pure arrogance on the part of those moving to America to expect us to speak their language and provide government services in a foreign language. If you come here because our culture provides you with a better life, then embrace the culture and learn the damn language.
"It is possible for a person to be a natural born citizen of the United States and never speak a single word of English."
And this disgusts me in a away that I cannot properly explain in words. American citizens speak English. If you don't want to be an American citizen, that's fine, go somewhere else. We don't need you. We have plenty of people already.
"The Arizona law is racist. It practically insists on racial profiling and can lead to punishments for officers that don't. A sheriff who insists on enforcing a racist law is then racist."
If you live in a community where 90% of the meth users are black and 90% of the cocaine users are white, is it racism to look for meth in a search warrant on black suspect and cocaine on a white suspect? No, it's simply using the numbers to do good police work. It's also not sexists to realize that a vast majority of serial killers are white males. You keep your mind open to the Asian woman suspect, but odds are it's going to be a white male doing the killing.
There is a set of people who look for racism first, understanding later or never. In Arizona, most illegals are Hispanic so it makes sense that most of those arrested for being illegal will be Hispanic. The law does not say "check only Hispanic IDs." If someone can't speak English or is otherwise acting suspiciously regarding their status, they should be checked, whether they are Mexican, Egyptian, or Polish. That's not racism, that's just the population disbursement.
What your saying is just as nonsensical as the police officers who get in trouble for writing 80% of their tickets to blacks in a neighborhood that is around 80% black. They're not racists, just ticket the people who are in the neighborhood.
"the damage done by greedy capitalist pig fucker social raper white collar criminals"
Are you under the impression that these are just white people doing this? Perhaps you should look at the money stolen in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. There are also plenty of non-white white collar criminals in America as well.
The problem, Jake, is that you don't see that you're just as racist as you're claiming this sheriff is. The difference is that you're racist against yourself and your own race. (I seem to remember your picture is a big white guy with a mohawk.) It's racism just as much to blame everything on whites as to blame everything on browns or blacks or little gray aliens.
"Tell me again why some Arizona Sheriff is justified in treating certain Americans differently because of the color of their skin."
He's not. The American citizens aren't here illegally. He's treating foreign criminals who crossed our borders illegally with the intent to continue committing crimes on a daily basis differently based on the fact that a vast majority of these criminals who are currently in Arizona are from countries in Central and South America.
Don't fool yourselves. Every single one of these assholes is a career criminal.
Enter the country without proper permission. Criminal? CHECK.
Remain in the country without permission. Daily criminal? CHECK.
Work in violation of our labor laws. Daily criminal? CHECK.
Commit identity theft. Daily criminal? CHECK.
Use up services intended for American citizens. Daily criminal? CHECK.
Possess a driver's license in violation of the law. Daily criminal? CHECK.
(Except in New Mexico, where you can get a driver's license legally even if you're an illegal alien. Heck, they have found guys bussing in illegal aliens from all over the country to get licenses here to facilitate their daily life of crime.)
Would it be okay if it was a Hispanic sheriff arresting these people instead? There are plenty of Hispanics in American who don't like illegal immigrants either. (I know a Hispanic who goes so far as to call them all "dirty Mexicans".) Would that somehow make it all all right if white people weren't arresting the brown criminals?
Sorry. I thought we were clear on how I use the term American. Please don't read it with your own definition when I make the statement and have been very clear about what constitutes an American to me.
That said, he IS arresting Americans. He is not arresting US citizens, merely terrorizing Latinos by profiling them. As stated before by Rolfe and I wholeheartedly concur, every single American I know breaks the law and therefor is a criminal by your definition. I knowingly and willingly break the law almost every single day of my life (though I think I took yesterday off). I am a daily criminal. Just about everyone I know is a daily criminal. We are all daily criminals because in one way or another we feel justified in the crimes we commit. So let's get back to the real issue instead of comparing rap sheets.
It is not okay for a Hispanic law enforcement officer to round up brown skinned people. Call it a matter of degrees, but you are making a case for rounding up every single Latin American in the United States and making them prove their citizenship. Why not round up every Asian person while we are at it. I'm sure the Japanese won't mind going back to the internment camps while we check their paperwork. I bet Jewish immigrants won't have any reservations about a whole scale round up to make sure their papers are in order.
I don't have to prove my citizenship. Police can't demand that I show them my birth certificate when the pull me over for a minor traffic violation. Why should any other person residing in this country be treated differently than that? I used to live in Wisconsin. I've got the pale complexion and German/Scandinavian looks of a Wisconsin native. Wisconsin is on record as having the most born in state serial killers in the country. Would you suggest that I have to carry my birth certificate to prove that I was actually born in Minnesota in an attempt to control homicide rates?
Tell me again why some Arizona Sheriff is justified in treating certain Americans (by both yours and my own definitions) differently because of the color of their skin.
Jake was partially right. The nature of conquering this land was indeed influenced by religious values, and hence the use of that quote.
However, I also meant to go a little deeper and what I was trying to get at with the Job reference was that just because a land is conquered does not mean that it stays that way. I had hoped that it would trigger thoughts of the transitory nature of our governments. I gambled, it didn't work.
Also your "conquered" quote had put me in mind of the days of kings and what Terry Pratchett writes in Wyrd Sisters Pg. 24 when Granny Weatherwax places the deceased king's crown on her head:
And froze as she heard the screams, and the thunder of horses, and the deadly whisper of arrows...There were times where she lay among the dead, or hanging...;but always there were hands that would pick her up again, and place her on a velvet cushion...
Granny very carefully lifted the crown off her head...
"So that's being a king for you is it?" she said softly. "I wonder why they all want the job."
Perhaps I read too much into your conquered quote, but again, nothing stays conquered forever. Therefore claiming the right of conquest seems to me a fallacious argument and an appeal to False Authority.
Emblazoned on the Statue of Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
According to the Associated Press, the Sheriff we are discussing has been under investigation by the Justice Department since March of last year, well before this current AZ law came around.
The investigation is for civil rights violations including racial discrimination and unconstitutional search and seizures.
I stand by my initial statement. Chances are very likely this guy is racist, and chances are he's not particularly good at the job of Sheriff, either.
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