Thursday, November 19, 2009

Car Troubles

Our car won't start today. It's the second time in less than a week - which admittedly, is about 200% more often than we use it in a typical week. We rarely need the darned thing, so it's debatable as to whether or not it's worth repairing.


iSirkus said...

what does this mean for next week?

rbbergstrom said...

I'm looking into train tickets.

X said...

Have you looked into Zipcar?

rbbergstrom said...

Zipcar is awesome. We'd never really looked at it before. It's not going to work for this week, since it takes 3-7 days to get started, but I think after the new year we'll find someplace to donate our car to, and sign up for zipcar thereafter.

Jo said...

Hey Rolfe,

There are all kinds of ways to donate your car,just call up the charity you want to benefit and ask them about it. The system for it is pretty slick.

rbbergstrom said...

Thanks Jo, I'll look into it.