Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Constitution Doesn't Just Apply to Citizens

Via USA Today:
"I don't have a clear understanding about why it has to be in New York," Peter Regan, 28, whose father, New York City firefighter Donald Regan, 57, was killed in the attacks, said before the hearing. "There is no reason it has to be in New York. It gives them the biggest stage to do what they want to do.

"They are being given the rights of American citizens. They aren't American citizens. They never will be American citizens."

Alice Hoagland, whose son, Mark Bingham, was killed on Flight 93, said she was "sorry our attorney general was not brave enough" to try the Sept. 11 planners in military court. "The logical place is a military venue," Hoagland says.
I'm really sorry to say this, but these people's opinions make no more sense than the ones Jay Leno gets when he asks trivia of random people on the street in those Tonight Show clips. In other words, though it's really sad and awful to say this to people who lost family during 9/11, I think they need to hear this: "Quit being idiots", and "read the Constitution".

Whether you're a U.S. citizen, or a foreigner on our soil, you still have rights given you by the U.S. Constitution. From article three of the Constitution: "The Trial of all Crimes...shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed." Therefore, mass murder committed in New York must be tried in New York.

The various protections of the Constitution apply to anyone in the U.S., or arrested by the U.S Government, and they pretty much have to. If they didn't, we'd all be subject to unlawful searches at any time for no reason beyond the police claiming they "kinda thought there might have been an illegal alien in your house, and if so, that alien didn't have any rights, so we didn't do anything wrong". It would be the ultimate abuse-able loophole.

1 comment:

Jo said...

There are some rather cool nonprofits providing training to illegals on what their rights are, and how to use them.

Perhaps you should donate your car to one of them?????

Although I have to say, it seems mighty suspicious to me that you think the constitution should be the guiding structure of our legal system. I thought Sarah Palin was the ultimate authority on such things?