Monday, October 19, 2009

Not Alone

Low-mass planets like those in our solar system are everywhere.
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Scientists announce planet bounty

"From [our] results, we know now that at least 40% of solar-type stars have low-mass planets. This is really important because it means that low-mass planets are everywhere, basically," explained Stephane Udry from Geneva University, Switzerland.
Given that the elements necessary for the creation of life are also turning out to be quite prevalent, the odds for extra-terrestrial life are going through the roof.

We are probably not all that special and most likely not alone. Just a bit isolated right now.


List with Laszlo said...

People who insist we are God's special little project and are alone do not have scientific odds in their favor at all. It's a big universe.

rbbergstrom said...

I've got seti@home running on our machines. Must...find...aliens.