Has any other piece of vegetation come even remotely close to cannabis for the number of news stories touting how awesomely useful this plant is?
Hemp For Victory! (Over Aging) | h+ MagazineAt this point it's just a thought, not even a real theory yet. But his research and reasoning are tight and he is testing it out properly. Even if he is wrong, its just one little thing hemp doesn't do.
While much has been made of the nutritional value of hemp in the past few years, Johnson, a Saskatchewan hemp farmer and chief technical officer of Canada’s Lifespan Pharma, Inc., believes that the plant has rare properties that can dramatically increase the lifespan of humans. His work with Hemp for Horses is the first step in providing a scientific basis for eventual human clinical trials.
But remember, smoking pot can decrease your lung capacity by as much as 3%. And it can make you feel funny. So not only is pot still a schedule 1 substance but industrial hemp, which is NOT pot also needs remain illegal. Because cops can't tell the difference from an airplane even though a dedicated stoner could spot it at 200 yards while baked. And I miss drinking Hempen Ale. (Which had to close because the government was making it way too difficult for them to get hemp seeds for brewing.)
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