Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An End to The End

I may have been known to comment on how nifty I think abortion is, but there are some pro-lifers I cheer for.
Aging to End in Manhattan Beach

The scientists, supposedly, will "predict the end of aging by 2029."

Which sounds cool but... We'll all be kinda old by then anyways. Couldn't they get this thing done now?
In 2029 I'll be in my mid-50's. That doesn't sound so bad. Besides, then I'll have all the time in the world for them to figure out how to reverse aging.

Oh crap! Does that mean I'll never qualify for Social Security, Medicare, or [gasp] AARP? Do I never get to retire? At least I won't have to worry about my crappy 401(k).

1 comment:

X said...

Certainly would solve the Social Security crisis.