Tuesday, September 29, 2009

LHC Come-Back

The LHC is about ready to cool down to near absolute zero and start smashing particles in November. To satiate some of the excitement...


rbbergstrom said...

What's this about a Lingerie-Hard-On-Collider? Sounds kinky.

Oh, I was getting your two posts conflated. My bad.

rbbergstrom said...

The more I think about it, the more I think a Lingerie-Hardon-Collider video would be awesome.

I don't mean actual porn, I mean like a spoof where we build a set that looks kinda like the LHC, then have some people in lab-coats talking proudly about their work. Behind them stands a seemingly naked man, his crotch casually obscured by the clipboard one of the scientists is holding. A scientist flips a switch, and lingerie starts flying into view, being thown from off-camera at the naked guy. It'd be hilarious.

Unknown said...

So we have the scientists talking about how this can accelerate the lingerie so it is passing by 100 times per second and then after the lingerie pelts the naked guy in the crotch some bad comment accompanied by scribbles on the clipboard. Maybe something about a Bigg-HoseOn?