Monday, August 17, 2009

Drug Money

via Raw, an answer to the age-old question "Where does all the money go?" It goes up your nose!
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts studied samples of dollar bills in circulation and found that bills containing cocaine are concentrated “particularly in large cities such as Baltimore, Boston, and Detroit. The scientists found traces of cocaine in 95 percent of the banknotes analyzed from Washington, D.C., alone,” states a press release from the American Chemical Society.
Even in these troubled times, the universe has seen fit to provide a solution to all our ills. Snort your money! If you grind up and inhale all your money, it will:
  1. reduce the amount of currency in circulation, thereby fighting inflation,
  2. win the drug war, by underbidding the drug cartels to a level they can't hope to compete with,
  3. get you feeling all funny inside, which some folks like.
America needs you to snort your money! It's better than pissing it away...

1 comment:

Brad said...

I like the ways you thinks :)