Friday, April 3, 2009

Worst Bailout Response

In response to the previous post by my esteemed colleague Mr. Bergstrom.

The key line in this video for me is, "If these companies are too big to fail, they're too big to exist."
If the automakers are too important to disappear, perhaps we should put them in some sort of auto preserve, like those living history villages where people still churn butter by hand as fat retirees in khaki shorts and black socks take photos.

If newspapers are too important to disappear, perhaps we should put them in some sort of news media preserve where they can give daily demonstrations of how printing used to be done. Little children can come away with a copy of the New York Times that has their name in the headline.

If banks are too important to disappear, maybe we should lock them in a vault so nobody can get to them. Preferably a hermetically sealed one.