Saturday, March 14, 2009

Manga Diplomats

For the better part of a century Japan has been famous for its rabid consumption of all things American. It has taken in American pop culture, chewed it up, spit out the husks, and digested its raw essence.

They have finally finished this long meal and crapped out something remarkably American yet purely Japanese.
Japan reaches out with new-look diplomatic corps

A dramatic new look for Japan’s diplomatic corps was unveiled by the country’s ministry of foreign affairs yesterday, part of a plan to boost its soft power abroad with what it called "ambassadors of cute".
It's a trick! These girls cannot be ambassadors. Real ambassadors would not be introduced to the world while sitting on crappy folding chairs behind mismatched second-rate banquet tables that belong in some church basement.

I'm betting the ambassador gig is just a ruse that will allow these girls, who are obviously super hero sex ninjas, to travel the world fighting penis tentacled demons. So brave. So cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Either way they can diplomatic me, even if I have to take a ninja star to the face!