Friday, March 13, 2009


If you hadn't noticed I've been at a bit of a loss for words since last fall. One reason is that I'm no longer fucking off on the clock like I was in my old job, but the other larger reason is that I'd already been ranting into the blogosphere about the debt bubble based economy for 3 years, and when everything I'd been going on about finally blew up I simply couldn't muster the energy to give a flying fuck. Besides, I figured that maybe people would realize that you can't spend yourself rich. Maybe I was wrong to assume that. So maybe I need to harp on that some more, but not right now.

Anyway, what's been pissing me off lately is the attitude of the cheeleaders of plutocracy over the better part of 3 decades, that it is the fault of people who bought houses and cars and all sorts of crap that they couldn't afford. Before I go any farther let me preface, that what those people did was incredibly stupid and greedy, but that should come as no surprise since since even smart, decent people occasionally do stupid greedy things, and lots of people are simply not smart enough or educated enough to understand the consequences of their actions. Besides, haven't we been told that "greed is good"? But the important part here is that the greater fool than he who borrows what he can't pay back is he who lends to someone who can't pay back. That is, he is lending out someone else's money. Namely, our money.

This is the point where my attempts to express myself simply fall apart. Fortunately, Jon Stewart came along to sum it up nicely. The first two sections are good, but in the third segment he really fucking brings it home. It almost makes me wish I had cable... Almost.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Screw cable. They got hulu now.

About midway through the second clip as they are showing more early interview stuff, you can actually hear his stomach leap up and lodge itself in his throat. Either that or John Stewart is a hell of an exorcist.