Sunday, March 22, 2009

...and while I'm at it

This is a related thought to my previous post about dumb things Hollywood does wrong. Guess I just need to vent some more:

Why is it that 3 seconds of sexuality or full frontal nudity will get you a much more restricted rating than 2 hours of bloody violence? Stop and think about that for a moment.

Sex is a healthy, natural thing, that most American adults would like to have (more of) in their lives. Violence, on the other hand, is hurtful and almost always illegal. Give most people the choice between 2 hours of quality sex and 2 hours of fighting for their lives, and I'm pretty confident which they'd choose in a heartbeat, and which they'd wish on their enemies*. Why don't our movies reflect that?


rbbergstrom said...

*: I nearly put "boss" instead of "enemies". Then I thought about it some more, and realized that I'd have a hard time choosing whether to wish torture or sex on most of my old bosses.

Surely, many of them deserved to have to fight for their lives. There's no disputing that.

However, I bet they'd all have been better managers / employers if they'd just been getting some. They were leading unpleasant, unsatisfying lives, and as a result, unjustly taking it out on their underlings.

So, again, sex conquers all. Hallelujah!

digital_sextant said...

My favorite anecdote about this comes from my days in good ol' EP East box office. A guy calls up and asks about the movie Judge Dredd, which you'll remember was rated R. The fella on the phone asks, "Is there any sex in that movie?"

"No," I reply, having just seen it the day before, "but it's pretty violent. At one point, someone gets stabbed in the neck."

"But no nudity," he replies.

"Right." I say.

Fifteen minutes later, the guy shows up with two young teens in tow and buys three tickets.