Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Getting Into the Holiday Spirit

As they put up decorations at work I realized that even I have a reason to love Christmas.

If the majority of the nation did not celebrate Christmas as the birth of their lord and savior (presumably because they don't know how to do these things for themselves) then when I shouted,
Jesus Fucking Christ!
it would have no weight. You would think that with all the nifty ways to use the word 'fuck' we could come up with something more blasphemous.

Or when X coined my new favorite,
Jesus Father Raping Christ!
I would only be met with blank stares.

And when the Dead Milkmen spoke the lyric,
Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick!
it would only be mildly amusing.

And I owe it all to that Jesus Father Raping Rabi Allah holiday known as Christmas.

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