Friday, October 3, 2008

Stairway to Heaven: NSFW

Hurray for not bail-out news!

Isaac Asimov once said that a space elevator would be built twenty years after the scientific community stopped laughing at the idea. Less than five years ago he stated that the scientific community had finally stopped laughing at the idea. And now, from the folks who brought us cheap efficient cars, expensive raw fish, and animated tentacle porn, comes...
Japan hopes to turn sci-fi into reality with elevator to the stars

Now the finest scientific minds of Japan are devoting themselves to cracking the greatest sci-fi vision of all: the space elevator. Man has so far conquered space by painfully and inefficiently blasting himself out of the atmosphere but the 21st century should bring a more leisurely ride to the final frontier.

For chemists, physicists, material scientists, astronauts and dreamers across the globe, the space elevator represents the most tantalising of concepts: cables stronger and lighter than any fibre yet woven, tethered to the ground and disappearing beyond the atmosphere to a satellite docking station in geosynchronous orbit above Earth.
There is still hope for my dream of one day being a zero gravity dweller and seeing floating tattooed boobies.

Floating Tattooed Boobies!

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