I'm not advocating violence, but this may make a few bankers think twice before looting thier customers' savings.
Mr Fuld, who has been testifying on the financial crisis before the US House Oversight Committee, was attacked on a Sunday shortly after it was announced that the banking giant was bankrupt.
Following rumours that the incident had occurred, Vicki Ward, a US journalist, said "two very senior sources - one incredibly senior source" had confirmed it to her. "He went to the gym after ... Lehman was announced as going under," she told CNBC. "He was on a treadmill with a heart monitor on. Someone was in the corner, pumping iron and he walked over and he knocked him out cold.
"And frankly after having watched [Mr Fuld's testimony to the committee], I'd have done the same too."
Oh fuck it, who am I kidding? These father rapers have raided ten years worth of my savings and are walking away with big fat bonuses. If you run into one of these guys in a social setting, I beg you to please
please punch him in the face for me. I'll raise the money to bail you out and hire a damn good lawyer.
Thanks for the Arlo Guthrie nod.
I posted a piece on that term last year.
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