Friday, August 8, 2008

The Darker Knight

Everyone who has seen the new Batman flick has told me that I need to go see it. They keep telling me all these details like a bunch of fucking school yard boys as though retelling scenes from the movie in their simple minded words is going to somehow convince me of how wonderful the flick is.

Then there was this.
‘Arkham Asylum’ Scribe Grant Morrison Opens Up Heath Ledger’s Joker Diary of the clues he left us was his Joker diary, which he kept four a months before shooting.

In it, there’s a list of what would make the Joker laugh – including AIDS, landmines, geniuses suffering irreversible brain damage, brunch, and sombreros. “It gave me this chill,” Grant Morrison said, because it was word-for-word what Morrison had written in one of his Batman stories.
Okay, why didn't somebody just tell me this is a Grant Morrison/Alan Moore/Frank Miller Batman? That's all they needed to say. Now I can wait until it comes to the pitcher theater, grab some pizza and beer, and watch a good movie.

(This excludes Erin) Fucking adult children need to learn some fucking art language skills if they want to tell me about movies.

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