'Obama the Antichrist?' CNN actually asksOMG. CNN has sunk to a new low. Not even FOX has gone that low. In their defense, CNN was just reporting on how people were interpreting McCain's "The One" advertisements. If McCain weren't preying on peoples religious and apocalyptic insecurity, then CNN wouldn't have had the opportunity to look like idiots.
Just so we're clear: Barack Obama is in fact not the Anti-Christ, sent here to feed on the souls of the innocent, resume Satan's reign over earth and bring about the apocalypse as foretold in Revelation.Not. The. Anti-Christ.
That such a subject is even speculated about in any but the most backwards, unreconstructed segments of American society -- let alone on a 24-hour cable network -- is a testament (no pun intended) to the depths to which political debate has fallen. But there was the caption on CNN Friday in big bold letters: "OBAMA THE ANTICHRIST?"
McCain's campaign of course insists that convincing Evangelicals that Obama was the Anti-Christ was never their intention. CNN notes that regardless of its intent, though, the ad seems to have spurred increased interest in the baseless speculation. At least one entire blog is devoted to the question and a Google search for "Obama Antichrist" returns nearly 1 million results.Hating Obama because he's black would be wrong, but apparently hating him because he might be the antichrist is okay. Those bigots sure are lucky to have the bible to hide behind.
Ironically, this may actually get the O-man more votes.
If you're not part of the God fearin' "The End is nigh" crowd, you now have one more minor reason to vote for Obama - because it'll piss off people that you suspect are probably crazy. Electing the guy they fear will serve as right and just punishment for those ignorant sheep who fell for this religious manipulation.
And if you do believe Revelations is upon us, then you really have an incredibly strong reason to vote for Obama. The end of the world is part of God's plan. The Antichrist's career would be nipped in the bud if he lost the election. If you vote against the antichrist, you're pissing off God. Don't accept his number, but do vote for him. He needs your support, or the world will never end. If you let that happen, you'll go to hell for defying God.
That, or McCain is using God to trick and manipulate you, and you shouldn't fall for it. Take your pick.
- Snopes.com debunks the Obama Antichrist myth. The bible doesn't describe "The Antichrist". The term only shows up as a meaning anyone who doesn't believe Jesus is the son of God. It's only in a few verses of 1st John and 2nd John, The Antichrist doesn't appear in Revelations at all, and is purely apocryphal. So, even if you take the bible as literal truth of God, it doesn't support any of this The Antichrist nonsense that people are spouting. The Antichrist exists in movies, not the bible. Read more at wikipedia.
- Since this stupidity has spread across so much of the web, I've taken to logging on to sites that promote it, and pointing out the bigots. It's amazing how many so-called Christians comment that they knew the antichrist "the moment I saw him" or "because of the way he looks". I've taken it upon myself to expose the motives of racial hatemongers who are trying to fool non-racist christians into voting based on fears of a fictional character. (And I don't mean "fictional character" in the derogatory and insulting "God = Imaginary Friend" sense that I'm constantly hearing atheists point out - see the previous bullet point for an explanation of why The Antichrist doesn't exist even if you believe the Bible is 100% accurate.)
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