Tuesday, July 8, 2008

September 11

Does anyone else remember that a short while after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon people )mostly unpatriotic people who didn't have American Flag stickers on their goddamn hippie fuel efficient import cars) started to ask, "Why 9-11?" It was a fantastic question weighing on a lot of people's minds. Why would Arabs choose a date with such huge psychological impact for Americans but of no apparent significance to anything in the Islamic calendar? It was the first mutterings of the 9-11 conspiracy theories.

Within what seemed like a day or two of my hearing the first mutterings about the date, old bin Laden himself released a statement tying the date to the fall of Constantinople. At that time I dropped the thought and moved on, as did many others, I am sure. It was back to flag lust. God Bless the USA! (Which I presume stands for Under the Shirt Action and I am all in favor of.)

Then last week those events returned to me. Really? The fall of Constantinople? But the fall of Constantinople was not on any given date. It was a process that happened over many many years of gradual decline. Is that when it became Istanbul? No. So what was the historical significance of that date in reference to Constantinople?

None that I could find. None at all.

I found this:
September 11 - Wikipedia
1941 - Ground broken for the construction of The Pentagon.
Just coincidence of course.


Mark and Rebecca said...

That's always bothered me, too. I mean, really, from a marketing & merchandising point of view, it was altogether too perfect.

rbbergstrom said...

I read this awesome article recently, on a day when I'd already blogged way too much, so I didn't post it here.

Anyhow, it had to do with meme theory. It suggested that 911 was planned to provoke our suspension of disbelief. That the concept of planes as weapons is so crazy, we have to suspend our disbelief to accept it. The attacks took place over just under 2 hours to make it feel like a movie - we routinely suspend our disbelief for movies.

This allows for the meme of the official story to plant itself more readily. By this theory, that's why they used multiple planes as well. To make sure the "terrorists can take over planes" meme took hold. It's also why the goal was to destroy multiple buildings. Repetition makes memes get a tighter grasp on your brain.

What I love most about the theory is that it holds equally valid whether you think it's terrorists using meme theory to make us all miserable, or rogue elements of our government using meme theory to keep us all in our place.

Brilliant stuff. A fun read. Just wish I could remember the URL... (Now I can't find it, though I know I got there from stj911.com)

rbbergstrom said...

Correction: .org)