Thursday, July 24, 2008

Right Now

I have been asked several times at work:

"If you could live in any time period, what time period would it be?"

I always answer:

"The future."

Which is the wrong answer, because they then have to amend their question to state that it only applies to periods in the past. Stupid fuckers. Besides, it is actually an opening for them to tell you all about their favorite historical period where they wax poetic about all the wonderful things about that time period while completely skipping over all the horrors. So I reluctantly admit that I wouldn't mind giving the Viking Age a go. If I was in the Viking Age I'd be either dead or old. Awesome.

But I really would rather live in the future. Lucky for me it keeps coming around. For all this fucked up mess surrounding us, I look back at history and figure right now is a great fucking time to be alive.

1 comment:

Jeremy Rice said...


Same damn thing happens to me.

...Well, I'll sometimes answer that "now" is the time I most appreciate. I like being at the cusp of a technological explosion.

At least, they keep promising an explosion. But instead of space exploration, we get iPods.

...Not that I don't love my iPod.