Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bush provoking Nuclear response

Fucking wonderful:
Russia may start regular flights by long-range bombers to Cuba in response to US plans to build missile defence sites in Eastern Europe, the newspaper Izvestia reported Monday, quoting an official. [and brought to my attention by RAW]

"Such discussions exist," the unidentified senior Russian air force official was quoted as saying, adding that the measure would be a response to the United States "deploying missile defence systems in Poland and the Czech Republic."
Since he'd already gone back and reopened one of his daddies unfinished wars, Dubya just figures starting a new Cold War would be a humdinger of a closing number.

But why stop there? We could revisit the Cuban Missile Crisis, maybe even WWII. He likes dubyas, after all.

Last week, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned Moscow would take countermeasures against US plans to build an anti-missile radar facility in the Czech Republic and site interceptor missiles in Poland.

Russia argues that the installations threaten its national security despite US assurances that they are directed against "rogue states" like Iran.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

With all the stupidity Bush is showing we may be the rogue state!