Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Seattle, Bags, Laws, Kitty Litter, Inflation, Smug Twats, Dinosaurs, Facist Dickwads, etc

Restaurants panicked about Styrofoam ban
The Seattle City Council and Mayor Greg Nickels plan ... adding a bag fee to your grocery bill and banning Styrofoam products.

... legislation which would ban Styrofoam to-go containers and charge a 20-cent fee for each bag you use at the store.
I'm all for it, even though I use the leftover plastic bags to take out my cat litter. With the rising cost of oil, it's only a matter of a couple years before styrofoam costs more than recycled paper containers, and before traditional plastic costs more than corn-based, anyway. Might as well head it off at the pass.

A lot of the restaurants are bitching, but shouldn't be. After all, this is an excuse for them to raise their prices across the board and match the recent rampant inflation.

The grocery stores aren't complaining. The cost of the plastic bags is already coming out of their margin. Their profits will go up as more people start bringing their own reusable bags.

And the smug twats ain't complaining. Now they can carry around a "I'm not a plastic bag" without standing out.

Even the dinosaurs aren't complaining. This is one less reason for people to build time machines, go back and kill dinosaurs. I figure there's gotta be lots of that going on, 'cause didn't that story end with the facist dickwad get elected?

Speaking of which, that'd be a good solution to the oil crisis, too: kill more dinosaurs. Better yet, we could send all our dead back in time, so there'd be more ancient biomass to turn into oil. National Forest in between you and your oil? Just send the trees back in time to become the oil!

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