Tuesday, May 20, 2008

NOT Conspiracy

Just a visualization of what happened when the plane hit.

This 9/11 stuff will go on and on. The truth is now an impossibility. Just like the Kennedy stuff. Why just today I saw a news story and thought maybe they had done away with the lone gunman and magic bullet explanations and were now going with an exploding brain tumor theory. Wrong Kennedy.


rbbergstrom said...

The truth is not an impossibility. If we arrest George Bush, Dick Cheney and Osama Bin-Laden, and lock them in separate rooms, and tell each that the other two have ratted them out, we might trick a confession out of someone - provided at least 2 out 3 are actually in some way guilty as theorized.

Unknown said...

Can you trust the people that lock them up? Can you trust the findings of the interrogators? If all three tell different stories, which one will you believe? Can we be certain it is even them and not some body double actors? And isn't it possible that all three of them would take credit for something they had no part in? Because nobody would believe it if they found out the whole thing was actually orchestrated by the Red Lectroids from the 8th Dimension in an attempt to draw Buckaroo Banzai and his Hong Kong Cavaliers out of retirement and into a vendetta death match (or some other group of racist aliens who hate us uppity monkeys).

This conspiracy has extended beyond the threshold of meaningful resolution.

rbbergstrom said...

Just a tad pessimistic there. Think Nixon, not Kennedy.

Murderers get convicted every day in this country. The families of their victims often feel that brings meaningful resolution.

By the logic you argued, nothing (on any topic) can ever be settled, resolved, known or established. You're opening the doors to a miasma of uncertainty. While that may be fun for a thought experiment, I haven't done the hallucinogens necessary to live like that full-time.

Declaring "the possibilities are limitless, and thus we'll never know" provides a smokescreen for mass murderers. I don't think that's what you're aiming for, but I fear it's the result if your position were to become popular. That's not the world I want to live in.