Sunday, January 20, 2008

Pillow Fight at Seattle Center - TODAY

The fact that the pillow fight is a standardized version of a flashmob makes it slightly less interesting to me, but I've been saying for a while that I was going to participate in the next flashmob in my town. The other knock against a pillow-fight is that I won't feel inclined to risk bringing the brand new digital video camera that we bought yesterday. Shame, too, 'cause it'd make for fun video - "Camera Man vs The Pillow Hive!"

Here's the notice we spotted on

Pillow Fight Flash Mob Seattle

[submitted-2008-01-02 20:19:21 PST]

Everyone go to the fountain at Seattle Center on January 20th at 4:00pm

A whistle will be blown
you will pillow fight
a whistle will be blown
you will lay down and go to sleep
a whistle will be blown
you will leave

it is going to be tight! be there!

The jaded bitter cynic inside me suspects this was secretly organized by the people who own the parking structures near the Seattle Center. They're gonna make a mint. Wouldn't be surprised if 2/3rds the mob drive over from U Dub.

1 comment:

rbbergstrom said...

Looks like I won't be making it there afterall.

The friend who invited us in the first place just had a really nasty asthma attack. A pillow fight would not be smart or safe for her today. We could go without her, but I think we might never hear the end of it.