Monday, December 3, 2007


I've known the concept for years, but this morning I learned the word: Syncretic

It's sort of a synonym for "hybridized", though with more specific meaning - it's a type of hybridization that applies only to thought processes and belief systems. The word most commonly crops up in relation to religious or mythological beliefs. Voudoun and Santeria are modern syncretic religions. The religious mish-mash that was Ancient Rome was also very syncretic, featuring the fairly harmonius importation of various deities and cults from the furthest outposts of the empire.

A school of thought is Syncretic if it draws from multiple sources, and attempts to unify, include, honor and/or meld them despite what contradictions those sources might hold. This can be via selective "cherry picking" and keeping just the best parts, but it can also be a liberal and all-inclusive means. The latter is sort of like saying "everything is more-or-less true and correct, even the contradictory parts".

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