Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Power of "Fuck"

Sigh. That last post reminded me of Hunter. I used to keep my language clean nearly all the time, but doing so caused me troubles.

The worst of which was how badly it eroded my friendship with R. Hunter Gough. One time I was so frustrated about something trivial and stupid (aw, hindsight) that I said to him "well Fuck you, too!" Since he couldn't recall having ever heard me say that word, it struck him with an awful lot of power.

I was fine and over it by the next morning, but I don't think he ever got past it. It killed our 7th Sea RPG campaign, and we just drifted apart. He'd been a really good friend once upon a time, and now I haven't spoken to him in years.

So let that be a lesson to you. For the sake of your friendships, don't forget to fuckin' cuss!

1 comment:

Jeremy Rice said...

Liam told "The Aristocrats" to our role-playing group a couple of weeks ago. I thought for sure that everyone was going to hate him for it.

Fortunately, there's been enough cussing at our game that he got away with it... though it was awkward for a few minutes...