One customer described a scene of modern-day Revelation. 'Just picture it. You are in that raging wildfire. Smoke everywhere. Flames everywhere,' he told the Los Angeles Times. 'Here's a couple of guys showing up in what looks like a firetruck who are experts trained in fighting wildfire, and they're there specifically to protect your home.'As we gather information our brains form a view of how the world operates without ever actually being able to view it from without. We can never really see the whole picture. We are explorers like Lewis and Clarke or Marco Polo making best guess estimates.
And your home alone. 'There were a few instances,' one of the private firefighters told Bloomberg News, 'where we were spraying and the neighbour's house went up like a candle.' With public fire departments cut to the bone, gone are the days of rapid response, when everyone was entitled to equal protection. Now, increasingly intense natural disasters will be met with the new model: Rapture response.
And right now my image of the world is really fucking screwed up. It appears as though the United States is trying to operate with the principles of capitalism governing the top 10% while the rest of the population is kept like herd goats under a socialist model. But the top tier, purchasing the finer things in life like personal fire protection and security forces, are paying for it with money printed by the Federal Reserve and those notes are worthless. But we are being robbed of the worthless commodity through an illegal income tax. And it is either the Chinese or the International Banking Conspiracy, or possibly the two in cahoots, behind all this screwed up mess. Meanwhile we are fighting for our freedoms by tapping phones and reading e-mails. Somehow people are still convinced that we have the finest education and medical care in the United States and are willing to pay top dollar for it even though we're rapidly falling behind just about every industrialized nation. Then again people are still convinced that we actually did find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq despite the fact that even the administration has admitted that not only did we not find any but they were fairly certain all along that they never existed. Meanwhile my vet has been trained to be so dependent on technology that he can't even diagnose a tumor without the aid of X-rays and ultrasounds that he wants me to spend over $600 on just to find out if something is there and then I can spend more of my hard earned and illegally taxed valueless commodity (that everyone demands I have) to fix it if he does find something. Which I'll be damned if I'm going to do that for a dog. And we're supposed to be concerned about people doing meth?
Buggar all!
I have always enjoyed that song! I was not however aware there was a video.
A video? Dude, there is a whole freakin' movie that it is part of!
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
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