Thursday, November 29, 2007

Movie ramble

The following is a ramble, as opposed to a rant. A rant involves anger, and I'm just not feeling high-strung today. Feigning rage on Nomiblog took it all out of me for this week. It's kind of a lengthy ramble, and if you're looking to be entertained, just skip it and go to the earlier post about Antoine Delaartiste, or skim this article and click on the links...

I was reading Brendan Riley's blog and specifically his post about Open Source, the Movie! and it triggered something. But likely that'll be another post. Here's the context of the thought process that led to it....

My buddy Jake has sworn off clone movies and Pizza Face Death. (Sorry, no PFD link available)

I used to make various improv movies. But my camera's non-functional and way out of date.

And I gave up on impromptu movies in Albuquerque after a really disappointing Pizza Face Death birthday party. Like 4 people showed up to drop off presents and leave, saying "I don't want to be on camera". That's after 25 to 30 people had been given printed invitations saying "Don't bring presents. Being in a Pizza Face Death film will be your gift to me. I'll even feed you for your efforts." So I stopped trying.

I'll agree with Jake about clones. They and bondage have been done to death, then done to undeath, staked, done again, beheaded, then on the third day back from the grave and done again. I enjoy the old films, but there was precious little design space left in that concept. (Though Jake could still make me happy by digitizing the third film and sticking it on youTube. And Audie requested the second one. Hint, hint.)

But I still love Pizza Face Death, and hope to make another one some day. I think X would be great in one. The man learned how to tell a joke somewhere, and I bet he's got lots more cool things rattling around in that head of his. Maybe make a PFD at the 20 year reunion? X? Brad? Daved? Can I get your support here?

Jake had one really good point against PFD, though. When you're searching youTube or Google and you see 2 films that match your search criteria, do you watch the 30-MINUTE film (like most of the PFDs) or do you watch the 1 minute 15 second film that's listed next to it? Seeing as how I still haven't watched Tasha's episode of that Star Trek spin-off, I have to concede his point. (I've got a weekly movie group, maybe I'll watch it with them next week)

When I'm just looking to kill a couple minutes, I grab the laptop. When I want to watch something longer, I pull out my DVD player & TV. So, assuming Jake and I aren't alone in that pattern, it seems anything I make will have to be a lot shorter. 'Cause it's just cooler if people out there are actually watching your films. Either way, I gotta get the camera fixed, or buy a new one, before I can do anything.

While I like Brendan's idea of the Open Source movie, I don't think I have the skills to coordinate such a project. I'd take a shot at scripting a scene or two, though. Maybe filming something when my camera situation improves.

And it was with all that in my mind that I hit upon the pitch for Camera Man.

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