P.S.: If I ever drive that way again, I'll have to take a picture of their Masonic sign, so I can post it here. At the edge of town (Not sure if it was Poulsbo, Bremerton, Bainbridge or some other town) there's this sign that shows you all the fraternal orders there. Moose, Elks, Waterbuffalos, Fraternal Order of Police, CIA, Homeland Insecurity, Masons, Illuminati, Gnomes, Rosicrucians, Headhunters, Reptilian Aliens, FreeMasons, CheapMasons, ExpensiveMasons, Priceless-Monet-Original-Masons, Dali-Mass-Produced-Print-Knock-Off-Masons. You name it, they got at least two lodges of it. And they put them out on a huge sign at the edge of town so know you're in the heart of the Conspiracy.
Cracked me up a week later when I saw that episode of Alias with the throw-away comment about the safehouse on Bainbridge Island.

Horse in a freakin' wheelchair, and your response is "Free Bird"? Whoever you are, you should be ashamed of yourself. Poor Horsey.
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