Thursday, August 9, 2007

Designer Babies

Why are people so worked up about the prospect of designer babies? If our knowledge becomes advanced enough to shape our own future evolution, what is wrong with that? My children have inherited my pale skin and crooked teeth. If I had the power to spare them the discomfort of sunburn and orthodontia, why shouldn't I take advantage of that?

No, I'm not talking about eugenics. That's putting a few people in charge of everyone else's reproductive decisions. I'm talking about the opposite: Let people decide for themselves based on whatever means of reproduction they choose. Hell, if people want their kids to be deaf midgets, why is it any of my business?

If people want to restrict their own children's lives in spite of modern technology, for example not vaccinating their kids, let them, but don't try to restrict the rest of us either. Fuck it, these Luddites can reject Copernicus for all I care, just don't take away my ability to use geosynchronous orbit, mmmkay?


List with Laszlo said...

I clicked on the link. If people are using invitro fertilization anyways what differnce does it make if they choose the egg with the most traits they want? As it is nature has determined these couples can't have babies without the help of science anyways. Once they've decided to use science they might as well use it to the full extant possible.

Unknown said...

I'm betting people are just jealous. Today's designer babies are Armanis and most people know the best they could hope for is Old Navy.

X said...

Fuck what nature determines, It gave us the appendix and took away our tail.

I want gills and opposable toes.