Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Not a team player!

Grrrr! Arrgh! Hear me roar!

Sorry, I have to vent for a moment.

So I'm working on this mod for a game. Mainly, the project is mostly code and game design, with a little bit of pixel art on the side. The code is challenging, and I had to get things running and bug-free before I could release. So I started with and focused on what was the hard stuff to me, and then I just hammered out some quick and dirty placeholder artwork for the graphics as an after-thought. There'd be plenty of time to spruce that up later. After all, I've never had a programming course, but I've been to art school.

Problem is, my placeholders look good enough to be someone without an art background's best efforts... yet not not nearly as good as the final art of the main game without mods.

So based on that initial release, I've now got people crawling out of the woodwork offering to do my graphics for me and asking to collaborate, because my code is strong, my game design stronger, but my art sucks. It's like almost flattering, yet humiliating at the same time.

I AM SO PISSED! Grrrr! Arrgh! Hear me roar! Again.

I mean seriously, someone redid half my place holders and sent their versions to me unsolicited so I could replace my crap with his beautiful art. I didn't ask to collaborate with him, and even though his work is great, this project is my baby. But now I'm stuck where I either have to use his contribution, or top it.
Plus, among the things he sent his version of was one of the two graphics in the mod that I _didn't_ consider a placeholder. The bar has been raised and the little thing I was doing for fun is now like a freaking exam.

Grrr, whine, etc. I am not a team player, I am a tempermental auteur!

And now I've shared my shame with a wider audience. Cause if you can't humble yourself, who can you humble?

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