Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Talking with Myself

I have a dream where I suggest to coworkers that rather than purchasing two security gates we can fill one doorway with cabinets. This means we only have to buy one gate and we get more storage space in our locker room. So I tell people at work about this epiphany and they love it. We did exactly that with great results.

I have a dream where I am telling someone that smoke inhalation scars lung tissue. I accidentally inhale smoke from burning plastic while trying to do a quick tack weld to a splash guard frame. I develop a nasty cough with lots of phlegm as though my lungs have been scarred and are trying to heal.

I have a dream where a coworker tells me he couldn't complete a project and I would have to do it. I go into work and that coworker has left me a note stating he couldn't complete the project and I would have to finish it.

I have a dream where I am learning to play the accordion. So I start shopping around and get myself an accordion. How could I not? While I harbor suspicions that my subconscious is fucking with me on this one, I am giving it an honest effort.


rbbergstrom said...

That's so cool. I wish I still had my old French Horn, then we'd be able to start a rock and roll band.

Unknown said...

I bet we could find some rocks and bake some rolls.

rbbergstrom said...

Then beat the mineral chunks and baked goods together and call the resulting sounds "music"?

I'm in!